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How to use Douyin? Starting Out with Douyin Ads

In our previous article What is Douyin, we explored various marketing opportunities for businesses to connect with users. But how do brands use Douyin to promote their businesses? This guide offers tips and insights for marketers looking to initiate Douyin promotion, including guidance on account registration and more.

Get Started on Douyin with a Business Account

To get started with advertising on Douyin, the first step is to create an official Douyin account. Here’s how to get your account verified:

  • Navigate to Account Verification: Head to your profile page, find the triple bar on the upper right corner, choose “Creator Services Center,” then “Free Business Account,” and click “Verify.”

  • Choose Your Industry Category: Make sure your business industry is not on the prohibited list. You can tap on “Detailed Explanation” next to the selection bar for more details. Typically, most services/products in the medical and finance industries are restricted.

  • Submit Verification Materials: Select your company registration and operation location, upload all the required documents, and hit submit.

    • Required documents: (A Standard Business Account only requires you to complete company information verification and upload a business license, and a Plus Business Account will need additional materials).

      • Business License: A colored scan of the business license that includes information like the company name, registration number, legal representative, and business scope. Remember to check that the license is valid for the entire operational period.

      • Certification Letter: Download the “Business Certification Application Letter,” fill it out, affix an official seal, and upload a clear scan of the letter.

      • Account Operator’s Name and Contact Information: The name of the operator must match the one listed in the Business Certification Application Letter. This person will be contacted for verification during the review process.

      • Bank statement: Individual businesses can use either a public or personal bank account, and corporate entities will need to have a corporate bank account.

      • Additional Documents: If any specific credentials require certification, you can provide documents such as website ICP filing screenshots, trademark registration certificates, software copyright certificates, or other brand authorization materials.

The review process usually takes around two business days. Expect a reviewer to call the registered phone number to confirm your information. If there are any issues, you can modify or submit additional documents as requested. Otherwise, you have successfully registered a standard business account.

Differences Between Standard and Plus Business Accounts

The Standard Business Account includes benefits like smart video editing, auto-replies with keywords in direct messages, and follower profile analysis. The Plus Business Account includes everything from the Standard plan, plus additional features like live streaming, special discounts, and appointment services.

Upgrade to Blue V to Unlock Additional Benefits

What’s the Difference Between Standard and Blue V Accounts?

A Blue V account is a paid account with higher application requirements but provides more exclusive features and benefits.

Identity Display

As its name suggests, a Blue V account features a blue “V” verification badge next to the account name, whereas standard business accounts do not have this display. The account name will appear at the top of the search results.

Exclusive Features and Benefits

  • Authority and Trust: The blue “V” badge serves as a symbol of credibility. It also allows the account to include a link to the company’s website and contact information on the profile page.

  • Operational Efficiency: Blue V accounts can access more management tools, such as auto-replies in direct messages, follower management, and shopping cart functionality.

  • Fan Segmentation: These accounts can tag and categorize followers for targeted management and promotion. For instance, they can manage settings and issue coupons to targeted groups during promotion periods.

  • Enhanced Conversion: These accounts can access the Points of Interest (POI) database, allowing followers to view their products, coupons, and event information when clicking on a video with the address tag.

How to Upgrade to Blue V?

First, you need to upgrade to a Plus Business Account. Once you’ve made that upgrade, you only need to fill out the verification information and pay the 600 CNY review fee (equivalent to $83). Once approved, you’ll enjoy the benefits of the Verified Enterprise Account status.

Remember that the Blue V verification, like the Standard and Plus Business Accounts, is valid for one year. You need to complete an annual review with a fee of 120 CNY (equivalent to $17), while Standard and Plus Business Accounts are free from this fee.

Master Your Potential on Douyin with Nativex

Are you still figuring out how to use Douyin? For advertisers looking to run campaigns on Douyin, we are here to help. As an official Douyin agency partner, Nativex has won the global market contribution award from Douyin’s digital marketing platform Ocean Engine for three years in a row.

We can develop and execute innovative Douyin campaigns that align with your branding and reach your target audience. Whether your objective is to increase brand awareness, acquire new users, or drive product sales, we have the Douyin expertise and marketing tools to meet your needs. Get in touch with us today to kickstart your next campaign with Nativex. If you want to learn about how to set up accounts for promotion, check out our latest guides, including how to use WeChat and how to use Bilibili.

For more insight into China’s social media app marketing, take a look at our latest posts on the topic, including Bilibili marketing, Shopee marketing, Naver marketing, Xiaohongshu marketing, Kuaishou marketing, and Douyin marketing. Keep your eye on our marketing in APAC blog for more.

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