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Small Budget, Big Exposure: How Nativex Helped King Power Achieve Peak Travel Growth

In 2024, as the global tourism sector rebounds, Chinese tourists are once again hitting the road. Thailand continues to be a top destination for many of these travelers.

The Spring Festival is a peak travel time and a prime opportunity for travel brands. To seize this opportunity, King Power, a leading duty-free shop in Thailand, launched a Dragon Year Celebration aimed at Chinese tourists to attract foot traffic to its stores.

Nativex, in collaboration with Petal Ads, helped this celebration reach over 22 million total exposures and more than 710,000 total clicks. This campaign achieved a click-through rate exceeding expectations by 10x while reducing ad costs by over 180%.


About King Power

King Power Duty-Free Shop, part of Thailand’s largest duty-free retail group, King Power International, is famous for its wide selection of international brands and affordable prices.

With over ten branches, including a main store in downtown Bangkok and another at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, King Power offers a variety of duty-free products. Shoppers can find anything from perfumes and cosmetics to alcohol, tobacco, jewelry, watches, luxury clothing, electronics, and souvenirs.


Goals & Challenges

While King Power has established a strong presence among international tourists, it faced challenges in executing a New Year campaign that resonates with Chinese tourists.

To address this, King Power partnered with Nativex, a leading digital market expert, and Petal Ads.

King Power established several goals with Nativex:

  • Short-term: Increase King Power’s brand exposure and drive traffic to the offline Dragon Year activities.
  • Long-term: Enhance King Power Duty-Free Shop’s brand recognition and awareness among Chinese tourists, attract more visitors to the stores, and ultimately boost sales.


Marketing Strategies

Addressing Chinese Consumers’ Needs: A Winning Strategy

Nativex developed a comprehensive content marketing approach focused on King Power’s strengths and the specific needs of Chinese travelers.

With a deep understanding of Chinese travelers and the overseas Chinese community, Nativex identified “one-stop shopping, dining, and entertainment” as a core benefit, positioning King Power Bangkok as a must-visit destination for Chinese New Year in Thailand. This strategy drew significant traffic to the offline event, offering Chinese tourists a unique and memorable foreign New Year experience.

Nativex leveraged King Power’s provided materials and event themes to highlight key elements of traditional Chinese New Year celebrations, such as hanfu (Chinese traditional outfits), cuisine, and spring couplets. By incorporating trendy neon designs with Chinese dragons and traditional elements, Nativex created visually compelling ad creatives that effectively directed users to the event landing page.

Source: King Power

Precision Targeting: Reaching High-Value Consumers

Selecting an effective advertising channel was crucial for campaign success. Nativex utilized Petal Ads platform to target specific high-value audiences with tailored creatives.

Research revealed that King Power’s primary consumers are international tourists, especially those from China and Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, business travelers and local high-end consumers are also regular visitors to King Power.

To optimize audience reach, Nativex implemented a phased targeting approach :

  • Initial Phase: The focus was on potential Chinese visitors and Chinese residents in Thailand to maximize engagement, as they are most likely to participate in offline activities.
  • Mid to Late Phase: Refined targeting based on data insights, concentrating on high-spending individuals from top-tier cities, aged 24 and over, with significant purchasing power, to reach high-value event participants and drive conversions.


From Clicks to Offline Engagement: Driving Conversions

Exposure alone was insufficient for driving offline event participation. Nativex used multiple channels via Petal Ads to enhance user experience and encourage conversions.

By deploying smart optimization and news feed ads, CPC ads directed traffic to a customized landing page, increasing exposure for King Power’s Dragon Year events. Additionally, a raffle on the event page motivated users to visit King Power’s website for pre-event benefits, efficiently guiding online traffic to in-store visits.


Campaign Results

Partnering with Nativex and leveraging Petal Ads platform, the campaign achieved over 22 million impressions and 710,000 clicks.

The campaign also outperformed expectations with click-through rates exceeding estimates by 989%, smart-optimized clicks surpassing predictions by 14 times, and CPC costs reduced by over 180%. 

“Nativex’s team optimized every stage of the campaign, from exposure to clicks, landing pages, and offline events, maximizing efficiency. Post-event, Nativex conducted a thorough review of audience engagement and material effectiveness, providing valuable insights for future marketing efforts and reinforcing King Power’s brand recognition.’”
——King Power Spokeman

“Our partnership with Nativex demonstrated their expertise in advertising optimization and in-depth user and platform analysis. Leveraging Petal Ads’ ecosystem, Nativex drove effective traffic and achieved outstanding results for King Power.”
——Petal Ads representative

As an official partner with major Chinese media platforms, Nativex provides cross-regional marketing solutions to help brands navigate the Chinese market effectively.

With its proven expertise in developing high-impact, culturally resonant campaigns, Nativex supports brands in riding the wave of outbound travel’s resurgence, ensuring successful market entry and growth in China.


Why Nativex?

As a premier partner of Petal Ads, Nativex enables brands and developers worldwide to achieve significant user growth. With over a decade of experience, Nativex empowers brands to conquer the complexities of the Chinese market through:

  • Localized Market Research: Uncovering deep consumer insights and market trends.
  • Strategic Guidance: Developing tailored strategies for market entry and expansion.
  • Creative Excellence: Crafting culturally resonant campaigns that captivate and convert.
  • Performance Optimization: Continuously analyze and optimize campaigns for maximum impact.

Contact the Nativex team today and unlock the immense potential of the Chinese market for your brand!